Monday, November 7, 2016

Don't Take Our Word For It...

“Growing up I always struggled with my weight. I had bad habits of over-eating and over-snacking, especially right before bed.  By my junior year of high school I had hit 240lbs and knew I had to make a change. I tried little things here and there that took a little bit of the weight off but nothing really worked. I could not wrap my head around the idea that getting fit meant having to completely change my lifestyle and the way that I think about food. It wasn't until January 2014 when I attended my first class at The 12 that I started to make a big change. I weighed in then at 205lbs, began attending classes every day, and taking in all the advice I could get on nutrition. Fast forward four months and I had dropped from 30% body fat to 13.5%.

I will always attribute my success in fitness to the community that surrounded me with nothing but positive reinforcement and encouragement. At The 12, I found working out had become fun for the first time ever. Community is everything, you have to surround yourself with people who have similar goals, and individuals who are going to help and encourage you along the way. This aspect was probably the biggest lifestyle change I made- I owe so much to my fitfam who stood by me when I needed it the most.

Since my initial drop I have not only used the momentum to continue training hard day in and day out, building muscle and developing the aesthetics I want, but also to help motivate and inspire others to do the same. Now, as an NASM- Certified Personal Trainer and a specialist in Fitness Nutrition though ISSA, I’m following my newly discovered purpose- helping my clients and The 12 community get healthy, the right way, while developing the body of their dreams.” -Chad Buettner, 12Nation Member and Personal Trainer at The 12

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