Monday, December 12, 2016

You Asked | How to Navigate the Holiday Festivities

The holidays can be a crazy time but they don’t have to totally take control over you!
Here a few quick tips that can help you stay on track these next few weeks:

1.Track your food. This is the BEST time to hold yourself accountable. Use a simple app like My Fitness Pal. Sometimes just the thought of having to track what you ate (or plan on eating) is enough to make you think twice about your choices.

2. Never arrive to a party hungry. Don’t “save your calories” for the big party. You will most likely just end up eating more. You can eat lighter but don’t starve yourself.

3.Clear your home of unhealthy snacks and fill them with healthy ones. You will be tempted enough with the holiday parties and festivities. Let’s not make your home a place of temptation too!

4. Stay hydrated! Many have heard this before. Most people mistake hunger for thirst.  Aim to get in at least 64 ounces of water a day. You will need more if you are active (a gallon is best).

5. Watch your sugar intake. This is where tracking comes in handy. Apps like My Fitness Pal can show you how sugar you are eating.  Aim to stay between 40 and 50g (for most people this should be just fine).

6. Keep a glass in your hand at holiday parties. That sounds odd huh? The truth is if we have a glass of something in our hands (alcoholic or not) it keeps our hands busy. It prevents you from mindlessly snacking on foods just because they are there.

7. Have a healthy box of snacks available in your car. This is a BIG one. Grab some healthy snacks and a Tupperware container and keep it in your car. When you are holiday shopping you can grab some of these healthier food choices and put them in your purse---or even go to the car for a break. Either way if you have healthy options available to you—that Godiva chocolate at the checkout counter won’t be calling your name as much.
Here are a few ideas:
a. Small apples
b. Almonds/nuts (Trader Joe’s has small packs available)
c. Healthy protein bars. I like “Go Macro” bars. They have enough carbs in them to digest slowly and keep you energized.
d. Raw veggies. YES they do need to be refrigerated but you can throw in baby carrots and hummus the day of and they will be just fine. You can also grab single serving hummus packs for dipping.

If you can keep these tips in mind for the remainder of the holiday season not only will you keep your waistline in check but you may find that your stress levels drop off a bit as well! Happy Holidays!

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